All-New Fragrance Cabinets for Direct Chemist Outlet

All-New Fragrance Cabinets for Direct Chemist Outlet

Showfront Fragrance Cabinets For All-New Direct Chemist Outlet

With almost 100 stores nationwide, Direct Chemist Outlet is one of the leading pharmacies and fragrance retailers in Australia. As Australia’s leading manufacturer for display cabinets, shelving and shop fittings, it seems only fitting that our team at Showfront have partnered with Direct Chemist Outlet to deliver premium-quality, secure and stylish cabinets for their huge range of fragrances.

Since our first installation of fragrance cabinets for Direct Chemist Outlet in 2022, we have completed over 18 installations, and it shows no signs of slowing down with 10 more currently in production. The most recent installation was for the grand opening of the all new Albany Forest Direct Chemist Outlet in Albany Creek, Queensland - the 98th Direct Chemist Outlet to open in Australia.

With adjustable glass shelving, lockable glass hinged doors and eco-friendly LED strip lighting. This custom 9-door fragrance cabinet is a true masterpiece made from quality material and manufactured by our expert Showfront craftsmen.

The frame also delivers the illusion of a suspended cabinet, providing an ultra-spacious feel in the store. In addition to the cabinets, we designed a custom backlit lightbox to house their signage above for extra wow-factor.

Our LED-lit displays are one of the most popular custom cabinet features amongst all Showfront customers, and it’s easy to see why. Direct Chemist Outlet was so impressed with the results, the lightbox is now part of all orders going forward!

Check out the video of the Albany Forest shop fit out featuring our amazing fragrance cabinets on Instagram here.

We are proud to be the chosen supplier of fragrance cabinets across all Australian stores. Looking for custom cabinets or shop fittings for your store or franchise? We can design, manufacture, deliver and install retail display cabinets Australia-wide! Speak to the retail display cabinet specialists at Showfront today on 1300 99 36 36.